Jennifer has been painting and drawing since 1996

Jennifer is a technical painter who lives to study, explore and revel in the play of light on surfaces and the materiality of life and substance. Her work is taut with the finely balanced interplay of realism and abstract minimalist visual devices. She is known for her unique use of negative space and for stripping away the visual noise to deliver a sharp punctuated statement about the essential nature of her subject matter.

Jennifer's work usually contains subtle whisperings about the nature of humanity, the environment and spirituality. Meditation is encouraged when listening to this visual language of silent austerity. She does not limit her choices in subject matter by routinely operating within a conventional genre. Rather, she selects her subject matter on the basis of whether there is a challenge in the execution and an intimate gravitas.

Jennifer finds much inspiration in the natural environment and her connection to Australian flora and fauna. She researches her subject matter en plein air and delves deeper in the silent sanctuary of museums like The Australian Museum.

Jennifer is Sydney born and has spent much of her adult life living in Bathurst, Central Coast and Canberra. She has returned to Sydney within the last 10 years and often works in the bushland around Castlecove.

She is an accomplished artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the National Art School. She has further developed her practice with a short course with Elizabeth Cummings and another with Michelle Hiscock. She has worked, studied and taught closely alongside artist Christina Parris since the age of 10. In addition to being an artist, Jennifer is a mother, a teacher, an upholsterer, and a furniture maker. She approaches her artistic practice with a purposeful delight in the act of making and sharing beautiful, tactile, pleasurable and poignant experiences.