Hornsby art prize 2023
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Hornsby art prize 2023

Familiar Ties.

A celebration of the women in my family who’s stories of resilience and kindness have contributed to the making of me.

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Hooray for hollywood
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Hooray for hollywood

A group show in celebration of Doris Goddard at the Hollywood Hotel curated by David Art Wales. Other artists included are Lindy Lee, Blak Douglas, James Powditch, Richard Tipping, Ben Guthleben, Ken Done and many more.

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abundance and rarity
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

abundance and rarity

Abundance & Rarity. Artworks by Jennifer Mullen and Veronica O’Leary.

At Project Gallery 90.

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Northern Beaches Art Prize 2023
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Northern Beaches Art Prize 2023

Vulnerable No 1. FINALIST Northern Beaches Environmental Art And Design Prize 2023.

Sensitive. Susceptible. The hardest of shells is not invulnerable in the face of the oncoming tide of change. Oysters can play and important role in monitoring water quality in our waterways. They can give accurate and detailed information about some pollutants and water temperature. Middens are able to reveal extremely detailed information about the long anthropological history of human interactions with Country. QX disease has decimated populations of Sydney Rock Oysters. They are prone. This work is also autobiographical.

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Blue & White            Project Gallery 90
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Blue & White Project Gallery 90

Two paintings will feature in this fabulous group show at Project Gallery 90 opening Saturday 10th June at 3-5pm. show runs 8th - 21st June.

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Shucked - Project Gallery 90
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Shucked - Project Gallery 90

This pair of oyster shells inspired me to reflect upon the fact that even with the most impenetrable of defenses we are all ultimately vulnerable. We build our walls with such meticulous attention to detail. Wouldn't it be better to tread lightly, so all defenses can be cast aside as redundant artefacts of a past less treasured?

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Inside This Box
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Inside This Box

At the Corner Store Gallery

15th - 24th February 2023.

Opening Friday 17th February.

Everlastings - Nothing Lasts Forever

Though your touch fades the memory of you remains. Your works ripple out beyond your days and continue to unfold in a tapestry not yet made. Your voice is gone, yet your song is still sung in my heart where you beat out my time.

This nostalgic Everlasting painting is dedicated to my late Grandparents Denny and Noreen Mullen who lived very much in love, in Orange. Both were very keen gardeners and Denny was a horticulturalist who taught at tafe. He is responsible for planting many of the trees in Orange including Cook Park and Duntryleague. He also taught me almost everything I know about gardening. Many of the flowers I am currently painting (including some of the hippeastrums) originally come from their garden. I miss them tremendously and hope they are smiling down on my young family from above. Sleep in peace together forever Nana and Grandfather.

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Slow Journal Feature Article
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Slow Journal Feature Article


formal - a warm blooded egg laying vertebrate animal with wings and feathers.

informal - a person of a specified kind or character. 'she's a sharp old bird'.

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Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen



Camouflage - Privet Hawk Moth

This moth painting is part of a larger body of work exploring the theme of camouflage among Australian fauna. These paintings delve into the concept of an organism's ability to become invisible. To be present but unseen. To observe without being observed. These notions are woven in the very fabric of their bodies and are integral to their nature.

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Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize 2022
Jennifer mullen Jennifer mullen

Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize 2022

HIGHLY COMMENDED - Judged by Janet Laurence, Dr Michael Mossman, Kit Willow.

Long May We Study - Shrike Tit

A collection of studies of taxidermied birds from the @AustralianMuseum

Here lies a small natural wonder. An awesome beauty. Forever entombed behind glass. Never again to sing, to nest, to fly. Long may we remember our terrible deeds, our lies the making of our own demise. I will follow you soon. Rest in peace friend. Tomorrow I die.

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Tiliqua Galley

Christmas Group Show at Tiliqua Gallery at Enmore, Sydney.