abundance and rarity

Artworks by Jennifer Mullen and Veronica O’Leary at Project Gallery 90

26 still life paintings including bright colourful florals resplendent high chroma complimentary colour schemes and high tonal contrast investigations of light and shadow. All of these paintings are highly symbolic and deeply personal.

Like many people (especially stay at home Mums) I escaped to my garden during the covid period and built several drystone walls. Some of the plants featured in this body of work were inherited from my late Nana’s garden. Meditating on these living gifts while I paint has become a way of keeping her memory alive. Also featured is Nana’s faux pearl necklace. Had my Nan's pearls been genuine they would have found a home with someone else. I'm so pleased they're fake. The treasure for Nan was in the friendship of the wonderful woman who gave them to her. I will treasure my inheritance. My values. The love of my friends. The kindnesses shared between strong and ambitious women who pull together to build each other up and create great things against all odds. Together. We do it best together. 

Also included in this body of work is a sweet pea painting which is painted in loving memory of my Aunty Louise. When I was a child we would race each Spring to see who could grow the tallest sweet peas. She ALWAYS won! This year my sweet peas are already taller than I can reach, well over 2m and we are supposedly still in Winter! They are seeds that sprouted of their own accord after some of the pods popped open on the stalks last year. I'm sure she's had a hand in their extreme growth this year. Their abundance is her gift to me. 


Hooray for hollywood


Northern Beaches Art Prize 2023